Thursday, March 31, 2011

Befriend/Encourage/Model/Challenge - RJW

Hey D/T's! It is the last day of March and this post will either be and encouragement or a challenge.  Below is the total to date for the Run-Jog-Walk that you have brought in!  Please continue to get out there and ask people to partner with you in sending kids to camp! Do not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!  We have all committed to raising a min of $500.00.  To Christ be the glory!

 $$$ Name
 $     10.00 Aaron Cardinio
 $         -   Alyssa Barlow
 $         -   Alyssa Holloway
 $   150.00 Amanda Potts
 $     10.00 Andy Clayton
 $         -   Anne Towles
 $         -   Anneliese Dion-Kindem
 $         -   Chelsea Rediger
 $         -   Cody Schulze
 $1,100.00 Connor Drake
 $     90.00 Elizabeth Sherwood
 $   300.00 Emily Ferree
 $     10.00 Emily Williams 
 $     10.00 Eric Wyne
 $         -   Hillary Rush
 $     70.00 James Hansen
 $         -   Jamie Sickler
 $     10.00 Jennifer Harnet
 $   125.00 Jordan Costa
 $   350.00 Jordan Leonard
 $         -   Joseph Lee
 $     95.00 Josh Vance
 $         -   Josiah Auer
 $         -   Kaitlyn Bonne
 $     60.00 Karly Nelson
 $         -   Kate Stipa
 $     10.00 Katie Jameson
 $     10.00 Katie Lind
 $   225.00 Katy Conlin
 $     10.00 Kayla Neal
 $   210.00 Kelly kurtenbach
 $   185.00 Kevin Ganon
 $   900.00 Kevin Straw
 $     50.00 Kira Thornley
 $     60.00 Kristen Anema
 $         -   Lauren Stack
 $         -   Lauren Whitney
 $     10.00 Lexi Prior
 $     10.00 Michael Corsetto
 $     35.00 Michael Obrien
 $     10.00 Molly White
 $   410.00 Pearl Snow
 $     45.00 Reid Delgado
 $   440.00 Sarah Josephson
 $     10.00 Sean Pierce
 $     20.00 Stefanie Woodruff
 $   135.00 Steph Fry
 $   110.00 Steve Mann
 $         -   Tony Dunn
 $         -   Tyler Moore
 $     10.00 Wendy Whitcombe

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