Do we create the smell?
I believe the answer to this is yes and no.
We all give off a smell. We create the smell through a combination of our beliefs, words, and actions. However, the fact is, we can't always create the smell we want people to receive.
Jesus Christ is Truth and Life. However, the religious elite/moral police smelt death on Jesus. How does this happen?- It was their interpretation of the smell. In many circumstances the gospel is offensive. To some it can represent (how MaCarthur would put it) a "stumbling stone of offense that brings eternal death" and to others the message brings "eternal life and ultimate glorification."
Sometimes we are not called to be a pleasing smell to those around us. Our hope resides that God "manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place."(2 Corin. 2:14) To some it is not a sweet aroma and may result in persecution. However, we must stay steadfast on the rock of Truth. We should be stoked for the privilege of being used as an influence for Christ. As well as the privilege of being able to please God. We do this and give off this aroma to God by being a faithful servant and influence for the gospel. Like in Acts 5:41, after the disciples had been flogged, scorned, and abused they walk away praising God that they had "been worthy to suffer shame for His name."
In the end, that is all that matters-that we are faithful servants to the Lord. Do we try and please man or God? If so, that means sacrifice. Whether it is serving the homeless pervert on the east side of town who reeks of body odor and urine or an overpowering boss, our actions should remain constant. Our smell may change, but hey, who can control that? All we can focus on is following in the footsteps of the Man who sacrificed his life to bring us life, and hopefully we can bring Him glory who softens hearts and opens eyes to the knowledge of Truth and the sweet smell of eternal Life.
Wendy, reading through your post about changing odors your reference to the disciples in Acts 5 reallly hit me "In Acts 5:41, after the disciples had been flogged, scorned, and abused they walk away praising God that they had "been worthy to suffer shame for His name."" And I asked myself, Jenn, do you smell like these disciples? Do you feel honored and blessed to have your physical body mutilated and covered with blood and terrible trauma, knowing it is for His glory? Man that is a hard question! Think about the stink following around the disciples walking out completely destroyed on the outside, but the stink of their lives celebrated in honoring Christ through a beating was SO MUCH STRONGER! The stink of LIFE is so much stronger.