Monday, March 28, 2011


"You see, Jesus saves for you sweet mercy for your brokenness and severe mercy for your pride, particularly religious pride".   Who smells life on me?  Does my family? Do my neighbors? Do the campers? Dock Hands? Costco attendants? The smell of Life or Death? Yesterday afternoon I had the privilege to serve dinner at a local soup kitchen with my friend.  My friend buys, cooks, and serves the food at this place once a month and has been doing it for years!!!! The homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes, less fortunate, perverts, you name it and they came through that line last night.  As they came through the line, they would see and smell the food and would usually comment, "Smells good guys - Thanks".  When their eyes saw my friend, a very familiar face to them over the years, they saw and smelled LIFE!  Their eyes would light up and they would share intimate things from their life with him and had no shame to approach him and embrace him.  These people were hungry for something more than food!  They were hungry for LIFE.  When I got home I could not get the smell of that place off my hands and clothes.  I had only been there for 2 hours and the smell of hungry people had so deeply penetrated my person.  Did I smell like food last night or life?
"You see, Jesus saves for you sweet mercy for your brokenness and severe mercy for your pride, particularly religious pride".  I may have been serving food last night but Jesus was serving me severe mercy!

"Lord, wrestle your Kingdom into my heart today".

1 comment:

  1. It's like being around the smoke of a bond fire- at the time you do not realize that the smoke is penetrating your clothing, hair and skin. The smell takes multiple washes to be rid of! Jesus smell never washes off!

    Father, may the life you have given me reek of you! Father may your smell be renowned in the life you have given! May I be a good steward of your fragrance!
