Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spiritual Leadership

Friday's devotional really hit home for me. While i Love my friends so much, and truly and deeply care about their relationship with Christ. Its so easy for me to give up the first time they reject an invitation to church or a campus group. When God puts a friend on my heart its unbelievably important for me to be faithful to Gods call and loyally help them towards Jesus so they may be healed.

This devotional reminded me of a sermon the pastor of my church gave a few weeks ago. That idea was that 'Being a spiritual leader with your friends means we must be willing to positively love each other enough to fight for each others maturity and growth in Christ.' So often when something is wrong in a friends life, we avoid all conflict because we dont want to fight, we want to love! Well loving our friends is encouraging them to be stronger in Jesus. "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification" -Romans 14:19
(I looked up edifying:to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge)

So basically it is our job as spiritual leaders, which we are, because we are passionate followers of Christ, to encourage mutual understanding of Gods knowledge, that is the Bible! This has been on my heart throughout every day, "Is this leading to peace? Are my actions bringing encouragement to those around me? " As a disciple of Christ its my desire to share Christ with all my friends so they too can see how awesome and might he is.

That is all.

"I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here


  1. Your post reminded me of a couple verses that I'll paraphrase - In Philippians Paul says, "Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel" and in I Peter, Peter says to speak with gentleness and respect when someone asks your for the reason for the hope that you have. I'm encouraged by your compassion for your friends and your trust that Christ in you is mighty to save.

  2. Your post reminded me of a couple verses that I'll paraphrase - In Philippians Paul says, "Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel," and in I Peter, Peter says to speak with gentleness and respect when someone asks you for the reason for the hope that you have. I'm encouraged by your compassion for your friends and your trust that Christ in you is mighty to save.
