Monday, May 2, 2011

Tears in Commitment

I was sharing with someone at the local Starbucks which I frequent, that life is NOT easy. This person would often come and chat with me, asking about what I was reading or going through, then would often want to chat... today this conversation lead to some cool sharing about how life (even as a Christian) is not easy. This conversation left me, and I think him, feeling like there is so much more to life than wishing it was easy. He said to me, " ya [all my problems] remind me that life is a journey..."

I was reminded to last Tuesdays (Loyalty/ Commitment) blurb, and relating to the II Corinthians 4:16-17. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day..." This passage continually reminds me that God is so much bigger and how much He uses the "hard things" in my life to teach me, and share with others, not to have myself be on a pedestal but so that glory can be given to Christ. Sharing just makes the "scary things" less scary. ALSO, in knowing Christ, how much less important the "pain" is when it brings glory to His name. So bring it on *(break my heart for what breaks yours)!

"His cross beckons us at our core to shatter all trust in what is seen and to confess, 'to live is Christ and to die is gain.' Walking through Calvary with Jesus anchors us to your identity and strength in Him. Through Calvary, your credibility and confidence expresses Christ's divine royalty. Frustrations, condescension, body aches, broken hearts, and disappointment become light and momentary as they are consumed by His eternal glory. Christ is eager to build into you His eternal rewards. Your life's journey is a constant work on Christ's part to help you identify the source of your faith and direct it to Him."
This pushed me to remember that it all brings glory to His name... suffering, hurt, pain, embarrassment ect. How little our "problems" seem when He glorifies His name through it.

At the end of our conversation I told him that I would be praying for him and a situation he shared with me. We were both choked up with tears, (me realizing that God brought glory to His name through His story in me, and him being attracted to the person of Christ) realizing that we both just shared a really cool experience. *(What is also crazy is that he went to school with one of the former directors of the camp!)

Loyalty and Commitment- Jesus keeps asking me, "Do you trust me?... then be loyal and committed. "

Yes Lord, no buts... I trust You. Glorify your name!


  1. Your intentionality with those Starbucks employees totally encourages me. Keep up the BEMCing, Andy!

  2. In John 1 Jesus' first question to his disciples by which he launches His invasion of this planet is "What do you want?" His story, which continues through your post, continually and eternally answers the question. "What do we want?" We want Jesus. At all times and in all places.

    Thanks for bringing heaven down to Sbux Andy. "I see the Lord seated on the throne. And the train of His robe fills the coffee shop with GLORY!!!!!"

  3. In John 1 Jesus' first question to his disciples by which he launches His invasion of this planet is "What do you want?"

    His story, which continues through your post, continually and eternally answers the question. "What do we want?" We want Jesus. At all times and in all places.

    Thanks for bringing heaven down to Sbux Andy. "I see the Lord seated on the throne. And the train of His robe fills the coffee shop with GLORY!!!!!"
