Friday, May 13, 2011

Vice Verses

I really like Jon Foreman and Switchfoot. They just keep getting better. I just listened to Jon Foreman perform an unreleased Switchfoot song called Vice Verses, and this verse of the song stuck out to me:

Let the pacific laugh
Be on my epitaph
With its rising and falling
And after all, its just water
And I am just soul
With a body of water and bones
Water and bones

I listened to this with today's devo still on my mind, and it got me thinking about the question, "What is eternal?" We as souls are eternal, but our bodies "of water and bones" are not. Because we as souls are eternal, we need to have strength- but the only strength that is eternal is the strength rooted in Jesus Christ. That strength must be rooted deeper than even our very bones. Our bones will rot, our skin will rot, but our strength, if it is rooted in Jesus Christ, will last forever. We can't just put on a mask of strength and play off some sort of facade. It must be real and deep- deeper than the ocean, which is "just water."

I thought Jon's song provided some interesting imagery. I hope someone else found it interesting and/or helpful.

"I'm not sentimental
This skin and bones is a rental."


  1. First of all - I'm definitely going to have to second your love of Jon Foreman/Switchfoot. The guy is just SUCH a good lyricist!

    Second of all - sweet lyrics and sweet insight! I really like the "body of water and bones" line.

    I hope that's an unreleased song that's going to be on the new album! I look forward to checking it out.

  2. Vice Verses is the title track of the new album! It's supposed to be out before the summer... which I'm hoping means before houseboats haha

  3. Hahaha me too! I'm really excited to hear it. I'm still obsessed with Hello Hurricaine, and I'm stoked for more. :)
