Friday, April 8, 2011

How to love others

If only right?

Although we can form many principles on how to love people, it is always something new, challenging and quite revealing. I am best at love people at arms-length. "When you are asked for your cloak, give also your tunic" --> today might say "when asked to borrow $5, give them $10." I have been learning about loving drastically different types of people this year. Little kids need so much love yet in a drastically different way than high-schoolers.

Jesus says. "Let your love shine to all men so that they may see your good deeds, and glorify your Father in heaven."

We are to radiate the Father's love in a way that shines into their life, makes them feel alive and blessed. We are also called to tough love, where we may not be liked for the love we show.

I have been challenged by this command to love people this way and God has been teaching me about giving up my stuff, time, leisure time, and other things that I think are "mine!"

Thank you Lord for giving me your heart and enabling me to love others as you loved us.


  1. Everyone needs love, but it looks different every time. AND, Christ calls us to let our love shine to ALL men (like a light spreads from a single point in ALL directions).

    Jesus doesn't settle for anything less than all of us. When Jesus asks for our wallet, we oblige, and think we're good. Then he asks for our car. Then our house. Our family. The very clothes off our backs. You. Everything.

    If you are consumed with bringing out the best in others (sincerely loving them) you will take yourself (and your stuff) far less seriously.

    Thanks for sharing the ways you're being challenged, and challenging me in the process!

  2. Love the heart of stewardship I hear in this, Josiah! God's been teaching me through my class on faith and money about what it means to be a good steward of stuff that is His to begin with... Super challenging, but super cool!
