Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No Other Way

Ok I can't help it, I have to go again. Just got back from a message about Jesus crucified. The heading of this blog says that its for us to share how we are meeting the risen Lord Jesus daily and let me tell you people, I met Him tonight, woah I met Him tonight. I got slapped in the face with Him tonight. What has really got me on my knees is when the people mock Jesus and tell Him to come down from the cross. Reading that verse it hit me so hard that Jesus did not come down from that cross. so simple but its blowing me away. He remained. Because You remained for me Jesus, I will remain, I will remain for you. Teach me and give me the strength to remain on that cross and share in your suffering.

Thinking about Jesus crucified I find myself thinking a lot about how He was fully human and how he experienced complete human pain and suffering on the cross, but tonight I find myself thinking about Him fully God. We, human kind, crucified God. We spat in GOD'S face, we split GOD'S back open, we humiliated, belittled, and tortured GOD. we hung GOD naked at high noon on a tree. we crucified the GOD of the universe, our creator. and in that moment GOD the Father poured out His wrath on GOD the Son, on Himself. God cannot give us any more than He already has, He has poured Himself out completely. Knowing this, how could we not have a fiery, burning passion for Christ?! If we want to really get this story, we need to get our hands dirty, we're gonna have to sweat a little bit, we're gonna have to dig...and be dug.

There was no other way for our sins to be atoned for than through the cross, there is no other way to follow Jesus than through the cross. I will remain, because You remained.

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