Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yes He has Risen indeed!
It was great to be home this last weekend and spend time with my family some friends from back home. I have been learning and trying and failing at times at being a good brother and son (and uncle :) ). My church back home had this massive egg hunt with like 2000 kids from the community all wanting those pretty eggs with candy inside. They were all lined up around the outside of a field, and then would scramble in to get as many eggs as they could find. Some of the kids were a little too shy to run, so they would walk around where they eggs had already been scooped. Some of those kids would come to the re-stocking area to get a few eggs. The thing that kind of struck me was how much each kid was like their dad (except for the really aggressive dads). The dad would patiently ask if there were any extra, and their kid would hide behind his leg.
I wonder how much I am looking like my Father in heaven. I want to have those same personalities and reactions and demeanor. I know that my Father in heaven is both zealous for the truth and gentle to children. He is the mighty judge and the humble sacrifice. He shakes the mountains with his voice, and he speaks in a whisper.
I want to be like that. I think I try so hard to be one of these, that I end up losing most of the rest. I may not be able to do all these things together, but I want to look like my Father, and I know he wants to gently teach me to ask for that shiny egg.
When the going gets tough, I can hide behind my dad's leg because I know he will keep me safe.

I hope you guys are all enjoying the spring with the clear skies and the flowers all blooming.

God is good.

The countdown begins: 6 weeks till camp!

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