Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pain Rating

A comic I just read brought me to the cross. Word softener disclaimer.

Do I really know pain? "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" Experiencing complete abandonment. More than the beatings, floggings, ridicule, nakedness, crown of thorns, struck with staff, carrying a wooden cross, crucifixion, spear in side, mocking, more ridicule, taunting. Abandonment.

Pain needs perspective. "You'll hate the pain but find joy in the transformation." The way of the cross is redeeming and transformative. Drink the cup.

Jesus Christ, thank you for taking the 10 upon yourself.


  1. seriously, i love this. i am guilty of asking that annoying question too many times to count in the course of one clinical day. trust me, i'd rather not... but the joint commission for health mandates that i do so ;)

    even more than that, though, i am guilty of being that annoying patient (aka Christian) who runs around screaming about being in severe, 10/10 pain to my nurse (aka Jesus... yes I know Jesus wasn't a nurse but hang with me in this picture), when i'm obviously fine and in no sign of immediate distress. HE is the only one who has experienced pain 10/10 and when i keep that in view, i am reminded of the truth that although what is going on might FEEL like 10/10 pain, the FACT is that it is really just 1/10 pain (if anything at all).

    love it bro! (and yes, this is being posted as you troubleshoot my computer from 400 miles north)

  2. Mike I have to admit my first thought was "what?! he posted an xkcd?" but after dwelling in it for a few moments i suddenly got the chills as the comparison (or lack of ability to even come close to comparing) of Christ's pain on the cross.
