Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I loved the affirming grace of todays devotional.
"The part of you that was crucified with Christ has been eternally destroyed. To be eternally destroyed is to never exist. Your death allows for the emphatic declaration- There is no condemnation in Christ."
I've never thought of that verse in that context before, how awesome, to be totally and eternally free of all our sin? There is no need to feel guilt and shame, because God has covered over everything we have ever and will ever do. While this is something i know in my brain, its so good to be continually reminded of it.
Additionally 1 Corinthians 4:19 really stuck out to me, "...and to know that this love that surpasses knowledge..." God's love is so much greater than any knowledge we gain. And, we don't need to understand God's love, because it is so deep and so wide and abundant, we just have to know that his love his great.

1 comment:

  1. Allie, I loved this insight too! I just generally love hearing about God's grace/love. :) Its surprisingly easy to forget the magnitude of God's love for us, its such a simple fact that is so essential to how I see/identify myself as a human, but sometimes I forget about it! God's love and mercy should seriously consume me its so big!
