Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 1 - Genuine Love of Christ

Dear Jesus, You love me more than I can know and you are better than I could ever imagine. Give me the wisdom and the power to live for no other reward than intimacy with you. Burn away my lust for a heavenly mansion, the end of my frustrations, and any other eternal reward my greedy heart craves.

Jesus, please push me to hunger for a freely given sloppy kiss of faith, hope, and love from your heart to mine and back to you.

Your kisses come all the time through hunger, thirst, persecution, enemies, the last and the least, crosses, betrayals, abuse, emptiness, meekness, mourning, and failure.

Again Lord, by absolute grace, in my failure, emptiness, trials and tribulations please rattle my heart with your kiss of grace so that I would genuinely long to commune with you and kiss your feet with hope in my darkness, faith in my confusion, and love to all enemies.

God, please let communion with you, at whatever cost, be my sole destination and my sole reward.

I've used you for so long. I've made you a practical solution for my fear and brokenness instead of my covenant lover.

You've become a stepping stone to be used to gain eternal life as opposed to the corner stone which crushes my selfish heart to dust and rebuilds that annihilated soul with a new heart/spiritual house "to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

Not prostituting you for my benefit is an extremely difficult habit to break. With me its impossible but for you all things are possible.

You are one miraculous work of grace after another and another and another.

Thank you.

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