Monday, April 4, 2011

It's not about me!

When I heard this line at the training weekend, I immediately understand the truth in it, "If you are consumed with bringing out the best in others you will take yourself far less seriously." And it's so true! If we focus on the 2 Greatest Commandments, to love God and to love others first and foremost OR if we do as St. Augustine proposed: Jesus, Others, Yourself, Stuff (JOYS), then we don't have much room in our schedule to focus on ourselves. Of course Jesus commands that we love our neighbors as ourselves, meaning it is important to love ourselves, but to an extent. But, if we are intent on loving God (waking up early for quiet times, praying throughout the day, reading His Word, listening to Him, etc.) and loving God through loving people (praying for others, serving others with projects and other helps, listening to others, taking the time to make relationships, etc.), then we don't leave a lot of room to 'take ourselves seriously.' If we put God and others before ourselves, then we ought to be concerned with the glorification of God and the well-being of others before ourselves!
These 10 verses have transformed my life and I know you have all heard them, but they are so important to reflect on and remember, especially when we are considering our need to love others - Matthew 6:25-34. I realized last year that I would stress out about homework and working and finding money. Then God was like, "JOSH, What are you stressing about....? Are there not more important things to be worrying about than YOUR homework?" At that moment, I saw my selfishness. Still I said, "But God, I need to do well in classes so that I can get a degree and serve you in that way." And then God slammed me with this, "25 “Josh, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Josh, Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you, Josh, not much more valuable than they? 27Can you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
God was telling me, "Josh, if you obey my commands, follow my ways and serve me with your whole heart, then I will provide for you!" At that moment, I realized, God is going to provide me with what I need. Why do I doubt that? When has He failed to show up in my life? When I have been faithful to Him, He always makes an appearance.
In church yesterday, the pastor was continuing a series on money and its 'importance.' He shared a story that Francis Chan included in his book Forgotten God. After writing Crazy Love, Chan was left with millions upon millions of dollars. Not knowing what to do with it all, he prayed. He felt God calling him to give it all to an organization working with women who have and are enduring the sex slave trade. He gave ALL of it away! But, you know what the sad part about it was? His Christian friends criticized him for doing so. They asked him, "Why didn't you save some of that for a future emergency???" Chan calmly responded, "Don't you think the raping and abusing of millions of women constitutes an emergency?"
Anyway, I could go on and on, but this lesson of storing up for treasures in Heaven rather that earth has really just changed my life, so I wanted to share the impact that Jesus' words have had on me!


  1. "Don't you think the raping and abusing of millions of women constitutes an emergency?"

    I love it, we live in a constant state of emergency. The world is suffering, and we as Christians bear responsibility to ease the sufferings! It's urgent! not just in times of massive natural disasters, or troubles in our own home, but always! The money wasn't ever ours to begin with, it was his. I really hope that when I have money... if I ever have money... I will be able to trust God to take care of it, and let him guide my hand in giving freely, with no remorse over "lost treasure."

    My Bible Study just finished Living Free by Beth Moore, and one of the things she said really stood out to me, "Our present lives are not our destinations!" Amen!

  2. Josh, my wife is all about Francis Chan these days. Her Ipod erased a bunch of sermons of his but she's working to get them reloaded because she wants me to listen to them.

    Your post took me to John 13 and 14. Jesus says all hell is about to break loose and that Peter is going to deny/betray Him and then he says but "Do not let your hearts be troubled." In a tempest of doubt, suffering, and abandonment he says oh yeah, one other thing - "Don't stress." "Trust in God; trust also in me." John 14:1.

  3. I love the prayers that we keep praying. '"Lord thank you for life today!" not thank you for MY life! Thanks for sharing this Josh! I'm reminded that "He's got us... He's had us, and He will have us, for eternity!"
