Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello Drivers and Trainees!!!!

Welcome to our team blog!  My hope is that this blog would serve as a continual training time as Jesus shapes, molds, leads, and guides us into the team He desires! We ask that you would blog at least once a week, but please feel free to blog as much as you want to the Glory of God!



  1. Yes! I'm so excited for this summer and the this blog leading up to it.

    Kind of random, but the background chosen for this blog (with the grass and blue sky and earth) reminds me of Luke 6:46-49, where the man lays his foundation on the Rock by digging down deep. The more we post, comment, share, the deeper we dig into Christ, His Word, and each other.

    This is going to be an incredible beginning to an incredible summer, all to His surpassing glory! Post away :)


  2. I love it, Mike!

    I can't wait to see how the Lord moves through the interwebs and am looking forward to getting to know you all better as we blog- digging deeper into Christ.

  3. This is a brilliant idea I am sooo excited!!!

    -Kaygee (Kevin)

  4. One thing I just noticed about the background (going off what Mike said), is that we'll never reach the bottom. The dirt will always be separate. We will dig and dig and ALWAYS have further to go. :)
