Thursday, March 31, 2011

Romans 12 3-7

This is my first post. I don't think myself as a good writer, poster or in this case of the website...Blogger. I just have really bad punctuation, spelling and fragments are a common problem. Not to mention I am really REALLY shy. I have a lot of things working against me. I don't think It's a bad thing, I am good at a lot of other things like eating, cooking, and eating and cooking at the same time.

I don't think everyone is destine to become a brain surgeon, astronaut (that would be cool though) or a CEO of major company. We have all been blessed, in some degree, with unique abilities that God has graced us with. We are all good at different things and we are all bad at different things. I don't think Michael Jordan could talk about relativity just as Albert Einstein couldn't play hoops. I just wish I could write as good as everyone here, but it's not in the cards. But I am good at other things like lifting the washer and dryer up two flights of stairs (and yes I have done that, not fun) and officiating sports.

We all have different gifts to glorify God. We are all the Body of Christ. Each of us has a different function. The hand can't be a foot and a foot can't be the hand. We need each other for different tasks: serving, speaking, and even listening. We should use are ability to the fullest. So if you are good at under-water basket weaving then use it to glorify God and bring people to Christ through under-water basket weaving. Still I wish I was good at writing, I'm not the bestess but it's getting gooder.

1 comment:

  1. Jordanius! Thanks for your insight! Just like we are all gifted in different ways, God also reveals stuff to us in unique ways... so blog away, capitals or no capitals, periods or no periods - the lenses you see the world with are unique to only you, and the rest of us are encouraged in our faith when we catch glimpses through your lenses!

    (And I will keep you in mind when I need help moving my couch out of my second-floor apartment!!)
