Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adjusting the Focus

Reading today's devotional, I was again reminded of the importance of putting myself aside and diving into others. I have been listening to the song, "Lead me to the Cross" a lot recently. There is a line that says, "rid me of myself, I belong to you." We belong to Christ. We act according to His will. We need to give ourselves up in order to dive into others and serve them as Christ calls us to. If we keep trying to focus on ourselves, we are going to fail as leaders. Sacrifice yourself so that you are able to dive into campers, youth staff and fellow Sonshine staff. As you lead you must connect with the body, mind, and spirit of those you serve. The right to detachment has been denied you. You must stay connected. I am introvert. I tend to be shy and won't necessarily be the one to initiate something. However, I am constantly reminded that in my faith and in my relationship with Christ, I am extrovert. He calls me to serve. He calls me to love. I need to step outside of my comfort zone and answer that call. In Christ I am an extrovert and I love it! I need to jump into campers and those I serve. I need to put all my fears and insecurities aside and fully jump/dive in the service that Christ has called me to. My fears and insecurities are part of what makes me an introvert. But Christ relieves me of my insecurities. In Christ I have no reason to be an introvert. I live for Christ and there is nothing to be scared of.

As we prepare for this summer and life in general, it is my prayer that we can let go of ourselves. Let go of the things holding us back. Let go, put ourselves aside and keep the connections with those we serve.

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