Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been reflecting on sacrifice as we walked through the study last week. What I wrote is a prayer and reflection from my personal journal.

God I just want to fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I know what that means - SACRIFICE. I have to sacrifice my selfish desire of being in control and having everyone happy with me. I'm sacrificing being comfortable by my standards and by my own doing (which is man-made happiness). That means I long for you to be my comfort and my assurance. Be patient with me as I learn how to make you my everything.

I feel that Barabbas is a significant character in the gospel story... he had a death sentence. Because of his sins he was being crucified, but then all of sudden something changes. Barabbas is set free! Jesus comes along, dies his death for him. And in dying, he forgives Barabbas of all his sins. Jesus, that's what you've done with all of us. You set us free and declare us forgiven. You take the charges against us and rip them up - destroying them as if they never existed. In return, you call us to a lifestyle of sacrifice. You long for us to sacrifice/crucify the self so that you can have our whole heart. May I realize the impact of you breaking the chains off, setting me free, and declaring me holy. May I walk boldly in you and in your truth. May I sacrifice myself for your glory.


  1. Wow. I've never heard Barrabas weaved into Christ's story like that before. Well played. Love it.

  2. Wow. I've never heard Barrabas weaved into Christ's story like that before. Well played. Love it.
